
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Physical Therapy 4-week Evaluation

So today was a big day for us because it was Kellyn's 4-week evaluation at her outpatient physical therapy clinic.  Overall, it went pretty well.  Four weeks ago, Kellyn measured at about an eighteen degree tilt.  Today Kellyn was measuring at about a ten degree tilt.  So she is definitely tilting her head less.  The physical therapist also noticed improved strength in both her neck and trunk.  *Anna was also happy with how Kellyn's gross motor skills were progressing. She said that Kellyn has progressed faster than she expected in many areas.

Baby with slight torticollis sitting on father's lap
Kellyn around the time of her four week physical therapy evaluation. 

However, there were two areas where Kellyn did not perform as well.  First, when held in the horizontally in the football hold, she didn't really make too much of an effort to pick her head up.  That's partially my own fault since I have been tilting Kellyn to about 45 degrees in that hold, instead of of tilting her the full 90 degrees so that she is parallel to the ground.  The second area that I need to work more with Kellyn is sitting independently without using her hands for support.  She has brief moments of taking both hands off the ground while sitting, but she should be doing this more independently by now.

I was hoping the physical therapist would tell me that we could cut down to one session per week.  I am just getting burnt out with all the driving back and forth for physical therapy and scheduling childcare for my son during the appointments.  Unfortunately, Kellyn still needs to stay at two sessions per week.  We will do the next re-evaluation at eight weeks and we will see where she's at then.  Even though her physical therapy sessions did not get reduced, I am still very pleased with the progress that Kellyn has made.  It motivates me to keep working hard with her at home and to stay as positive as possible.

*Name changed