
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Before Pictures

Here are some pictures of Kellyn before or at the beginning of physical therapy.  Her physical therapist suggested we take pictures of Kellyn regularly.  That way, I can track her progress since its hard to notice the changes since I'm with her all the time.  I'm trying to see if her neck and trunk straighten up and her slight facial asymmetries resulting from the torticollis resolve themselves over time.

Right torticollis in baby
 This is the back view of her head tilt at approximately 1 week into physical therapy.    

Baby with right torticollis tilting her trunk to her left side.
Since her trunk tilts to the left, she often rests her body weight on her left side. 

Baby with right torticollis sitting in her high chair
This was before she was officially diagnosed with torticollis.
Her head tilt was at its worst when she was sitting in her high chair.
Fortunately, the tilt usually wasn't this extreme.

Two little children watching TV together.
Due to her torticollis her right eye is opens slightly less than her left eye. 
Her eye symmetry should improve as her torticollis is treated.