
Friday, January 31, 2014

Supported Crawling Position #2

I'm anxious for my daughter to start crawling in hopes that her torticollis will improve.  Other parents have reported that achieving this skill has made a difference in their child's torticollis.  Anyways, this is a pretty simple exercise that will allow your baby to become more comfortable being on the hands and knees crawling position.  It will also allow your baby to partially balance her body weight with one hand just like she would during crawling.  In the space below, I have included both a video tutorial and written instructions detailing this exercise.

Video Tutorial:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1.  Place a Boppy pillow underneath baby's belly.
2.  Have baby get into an "all fours" crawling position over top of the Boppy pillow.

Baby with torticollis playing with a toy
The Boppy pillow is great because it has so many uses.

3.  Place a toy in front of baby.  Encourage baby to use one hand to play with the toy, while the other hand is balancing her body weight.  Make sure she practices bearing weight on each hand throughout this exercise.

For a different variation of this exercise, check out this exercise tutorial post.   If you're interested in a Boppy pillow with the slipcover included, you can purchase this combination here.  If you'd rather just buy the Boppy without the slipcover, you can purchase that here.

Note: Always supervise baby in this position and never leave baby unattended.  Make her face is always visible to you.

Disclaimer & Disclosure: I am not a physical therapist or medical professional.  This post and/or video does not serve as a substitution for medical treatment.  If you wish to do any of these physical therapy exercises on your own child, you should first seek approval from your child's physical therapist.  Click here for full disclaimer.  If you purchase any items through my Amazon affiliate link(s), I will receive a percentage of the purchase price.  This can help me to continue providing you with quality content and resources on this site.  Click here for more info.