
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tilt Regression (Milestone & Illness-Related)

Unfortunately, Kellyn has had a cold, congestion, and wheezing for the past few weeks. In addition, she's had a slight head tilt regression, which is a little disheartening. However, there is a silver lining to this torticollis regression. I think its largely attributed to her progression with her developmental milestones.  Just in time for her upcoming first birthday in exactly one week's time!

Baby with right torticollis crawling on hands and knees
So excited that Kellyn finally learned to crawl on hands and knees!Huge milestone for her.

As I mentioned before, her physical therapist said she was performing on the low end of normal range for her milestones. However, in the past month, Kellyn's motor skill development has rapidly progressed. She rarely army crawls anymore; hands and knees crawling has become the norm. In addition, she now confidently pulls up on furniture and larger toys. Kellyn has also learned to transition from crawling to seated position and from side-lying to seated position. She can even push her push toy around fairly well. And she absolutely loves walking around with us holding her hands. I feel like she will learn to walk within the next few months.

Baby with right torticollis and trunk curvature pushing a push toy
Her head tilt & c-shape of her trunk is more apparent now that she's developing new motor skills.

Her head is looking pretty midline here. Only a slight tilt.

Baby with right torticollis
Excuse the leftover dinner on her face :) She fights me every time I try to clean her face.

I've been noticing more of a depression on the right side of her neck.
It's not nearly as noticeable compared to the beginning of treatment,
but it's become more evident again within the past couple weeks.

Baby sitting down that has right torticollis
You can see the neck depression (right side) slightly better in this picture.