
Friday, January 3, 2014

Strengthening Exercise for Torticollis

With my daughter's right torticollis, the right side neck muscles are tighter and stronger than the left sideIn addition to stretching the right side of her neck, we also do exercises to strengthen her left side. Both types of exercises are important in helping to lessen her torticollis.  The exercise below works to strengthen her weak, left side neck muscles by forcing her to work against gravity.  I have included a brief video tutorial AND written instructions in the space below.

Video Tutorial:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1.  Have baby sit down and play with toy using her left hand.

2.  Lean her body weight to the right and encourage her to support her body weight with her right hand.

3.  You will likely have to hold her right hand down on the ground so that she maintains this position.

4.  Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Baby with right torticollis doing a physical therapy exercise with her mother
Ideally, she would be holding her head up more vertical than its appearing in this picture.

Note: Babies with left torticollis would do this leaning to their left side.

Disclaimer: I am not a physical therapist or medical professional.  If you wish to do any of these physical therapy exercises on your own child, you should first seek approval from your child's physical therapist.  Click here for full disclaimer.