
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Discharged from Outpatient PT

Yesterday was one of Kellyn’s outpatient physical therapy re-evaluations for her torticollis. The physical therapist officially discharged Kellyn from the program! After about five months of outpatient physical therapy, we are finally done. All the hard work is finally paying off. I’m so excited, relieved, and thankful.

Baby pulling her hat off
Hat's off to Kellyn for getting discharged from outpatient physical therapy!

The physical therapist said that Kellyn has a minimal tilt, normal range of motion, and consistent motor skill progression. She thought that I would no longer need to do Kellyn's torticollis exercises after she begins walking. That was honestly the best news of the day. I am so motivated to get Kellyn walking so that we can hopefully be done these in-home exercises. These days, I feel like most of my time spent with Kellyn is doing her torticollis exercises, feeding her, or doing nebulizer treatments. I am so excited about the day when I no longer need to these torticollis stretches. Our daily life will become so much easier and more manageable. God has provided me with a light at the end of this tunnel.