
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Chiropractic Round 3 for Torticollis: Progress Pictures

Based on the results of the thermal scans, Kellyn's third round of chiropractic adjustments reduced a significant amount of nerve compression. Although encouraging news, I remind myself of the original reason I sought out chiropractic in the first place: torticollis. So the real question is whether or not the adjustments improved her mild (yet so stubborn) torticollis. Its tricky to assess for myself, as her torticollis presentation over the past few months is mild, subtle, and fleeting. One moment she's significantly tilting her head, the next moment her head is perfectly midline. Even by the time I grab my camera to snap a pic of her tilting, the tilt will disappear that fast. Anyways, here are some pictures of Kellyn at the beginning and end of chiropractic round 3.

After 1st Adjustment of Chiropractic Round 3 (9/05/2014):

Toddler sitting with a mild right head tilt
Head tilt not too visible here

Toddler girl with mild torticollis sitting on toy chest
Mild head tilt here

Toddler girl with torticollis holding a football
Her normal mild head tilt present here


After Last Session of Chiropractic Round 3 (10/22/2014):

Toddler girl with mild torticollis marching in place
If she's tilting here, it's barely visible. In case you're wondering, she's marching to music :)

Toddler girl with a right elevated shoulder
No noticeable head tilt here, but her right shoulder is elevated,
which has always accompanied her right torticollis.

Toddler girl with pig tails
Love this picture because her head is perfectly midline with no trunk curvature.

As her mother, its hard for me to make an objective evaluation of whether or not her torticollis has improved from these adjustments. So I want your honest opinion. Do you think this round of chiropractic adjustments improved her torticollis? Tell the truth; I promise there will be no hurt feelings. Let me know in the comment section below.