Showing posts with label crawling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crawling. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to Help Baby Learn to Crawl

I am anxious for my daughter to start crawling because her torticollis is likely to improve once crawling is established.  Her physical therapist has taught us several different exercises that encourage crawling. Here's one of those crawling exercises below.

Video Tutorial:

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Review of Hip Helpers (for Excessive Hip Abduction)

While learning to crawl, we noticed that Kellyn had trouble remaining on all 4's which obviously made crawling more difficult.  Her legs would often split and she would fall back on her stomach.  We soon discovered that she had excessive hip abduction and low tone.  Thankfully, our physical therapist suggested trying Hip Helpers in order to help correct the issue.  Hip Helpers are special shorts that are worn by the child to address excessive hip abduction.  Here is my product demo & video review of the product:

Friday, January 31, 2014

Supported Crawling Position #2

I'm anxious for my daughter to start crawling in hopes that her torticollis will improve.  Other parents have reported that achieving this skill has made a difference in their child's torticollis.  Anyways, this is a pretty simple exercise that will allow your baby to become more comfortable being on the hands and knees crawling position.  It will also allow your baby to partially balance her body weight with one hand just like she would during crawling.  In the space below, I have included both a video tutorial and written instructions detailing this exercise.

Video Tutorial:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tilt Regression (Milestone & Illness-Related)

Unfortunately, Kellyn has had a cold, congestion, and wheezing for the past few weeks. In addition, she's had a slight head tilt regression, which is a little disheartening. However, there is a silver lining to this torticollis regression. I think its largely attributed to her progression with her developmental milestones.  Just in time for her upcoming first birthday in exactly one week's time!

Baby with right torticollis crawling on hands and knees
So excited that Kellyn finally learned to crawl on hands and knees!Huge milestone for her.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sitting to Crawling Position

As I mentioned before, babies' torticollis may improve once crawling becomes established.  That's why I spend time doing physical therapy exercises that encourage crawling.  This specific exercise will help my daughter become more comfortable moving from the sitting position to crawling position.  When babies first start crawling, they will often get into crawling position from the seated position.  So this exercise encourages that natural transition that babies will often make into crawling position.  I am including a video  and written directions (with pictures) below to demonstrate how I do this exercise with my daughter.

Video Tutorial:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Supported Crawling Position

You may be wondering, 'Why are you concerned about crawling? Shouldn't you be working on torticollis-specific exercises?'. By encouraging Kellyn to learn to crawl, I am indirectly treating her torticollis. Once she starts to crawl, she will hopefully be less likely to tilt her head. Before a baby crawls, she obviously needs to first be comfortable on all four's. This exercise focuses on becoming comfortable on hands and knees, which is a precursor to crawling. Below I have a video tutorial and written step-by-step instructions to show you this simple exercise.

Video Tutorial: