Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

3 Exercises to Promote Indendent Standing

Standing is a building block skill that eventually leads to babies learning to walk.  And once baby masters walking, it's likely that the torticollis will improve.  This motivates me to do everything I can to help Kellyn master these skills.  In this tutorial below, I'm going to demonstrate three easy exercises that encourage independent standing.  These exercises should only be started when child exhibits the ability to bear weight on feet while being supported.  As always, please consult with your child's physical therapist before trying any of these exercises.

Video Tutorial

Friday, March 21, 2014

Torticollis Pictures: 7 months of PT

It's crazy to think that Kellyn has been doing physical therapy for her torticollis for almost seven months.  That's equates to almost half of her life considering she'll be 14 months in a little over a week.  I feel like her torticollis progress has plateaued over the past few months.  In my opinion, the head tilt doesn't look more pronounced, but it also doesn't look much better than it did a few months ago.  That's a little frustrating to me since I dedicate a good chunk of time daily to her torticollis exercises.  I just want to know that the hard work I'm putting in is actually making a difference.  On a positive note, her motor skills are continually progressing.  Over the past few weeks, she went from taking a couple steps to taking several steps. We still have tons of spills and I would not officially qualify her as a walker yet, but she's certainly on her way.  Anyways, check out her progress pictures below.

Happy baby with slight right torticollis playing with cup
Pretty accurate representation of her current head tilt. Happy about her great progress
since the beginning, but frustrated that progress plateaued in the past few months

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Discharged from Outpatient PT

Yesterday was one of Kellyn’s outpatient physical therapy re-evaluations for her torticollis. The physical therapist officially discharged Kellyn from the program! After about five months of outpatient physical therapy, we are finally done. All the hard work is finally paying off. I’m so excited, relieved, and thankful.

Baby pulling her hat off
Hat's off to Kellyn for getting discharged from outpatient physical therapy!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tilt Regression (Milestone & Illness-Related)

Unfortunately, Kellyn has had a cold, congestion, and wheezing for the past few weeks. In addition, she's had a slight head tilt regression, which is a little disheartening. However, there is a silver lining to this torticollis regression. I think its largely attributed to her progression with her developmental milestones.  Just in time for her upcoming first birthday in exactly one week's time!

Baby with right torticollis crawling on hands and knees
So excited that Kellyn finally learned to crawl on hands and knees!Huge milestone for her.