Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to Help Baby Learn to Crawl

I am anxious for my daughter to start crawling because her torticollis is likely to improve once crawling is established.  Her physical therapist has taught us several different exercises that encourage crawling. Here's one of those crawling exercises below.

Video Tutorial:

Monday, March 31, 2014

Early Signs of Torticollis

Kellyn was officially diagnosed with torticollis at seven months.  Unfortunately, she was showing signs of this condition well before that.  If I had known what to look for, I could have had her diagnosed way earlier and her condition would have been much easier to correct.  Torticollis treated before four months has the best prognosis.  That's why its so important for new parents to be mindful of the signs and symptoms of torticollis, so that they can catch it and correct it as fast as possible.

At the time, I never thought anything of her head tilt.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Review of Hip Helpers (for Excessive Hip Abduction)

While learning to crawl, we noticed that Kellyn had trouble remaining on all 4's which obviously made crawling more difficult.  Her legs would often split and she would fall back on her stomach.  We soon discovered that she had excessive hip abduction and low tone.  Thankfully, our physical therapist suggested trying Hip Helpers in order to help correct the issue.  Hip Helpers are special shorts that are worn by the child to address excessive hip abduction.  Here is my product demo & video review of the product: